Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday evening I had a chance to catch up with a dear friend that I worked with for years. Sandy Smith is a wonderful amazing lady! This week her son Matt and his lovely wife Leslie were visiting from Kentucky, with their two beautiful children. I have photographed Evan a few times before, but this was the first time I met Ella. What an expressive baby! Evan seemed so grown up, and was so good with his little sister. They are adorable! The family was color coordinated with a patriotic theme. It worked great! Very original. Sandy's yard is amazing, the perfect backdrop. I love this sort of relaxed setting where kids can be themselves. I wish summer were all year long so I could always shoot outside.
It's so good to see old friends. Time goes so quickly, we really need to put everything aside in our busy days, and get together with people we care about.


Blogger Lesley Smith said...

Sarah -- We absolutely love the pictures you posted on your blog. They are amazing and we can't wait to see the rest. We really enjoyed getting to see you and appreciate you taking our family's pictures. You are an amazing photographer and wish you lived in Kentucky!

Lesley, Matthew, Evan & Ella

8:46 AM  

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