Tuesday, July 07, 2009

July 4th I spent the day with the most amazing family, documenting the wedding of Farrah and Fadi. What a glorius day it was. Weather was perfect (among all the rain we've had). From beginning to end the day was high energy. There is really no way to describe a traditional Lebanese wedding. Sure, I could tell you all about the traditions of the ceremony, but there is something that goes beyond description. It is a feeling in the air, an energy so powerful, you feel as if you are riding a wave. It's magical. Maybe because there is such an emphasis on tradition, or because there are so many family members together, sharing the joy of the day. There is such a strong bond of family, and so much love and emotion. You can't help but feel you are part of something big. The Brides mom, and sister Monique did a fabulous job with all the preparation.
All the family gathers at the Brides house to wish her well, have a photo with her, and see her on her way. The air is filled with happiness. On the way to the church no one can miss the convoy of family beeping happily, as they escort the Bride. At the church the groom awaited, with a smile a mile wide. His brother (a priest in Lebanon) came to perform the ceremony. It was beautiful !
Off to Glen Falls, with the bride and Groom in a vintage white Rolls Royce. They are so sweet together--a beautiful couple. After photos, it was off To Samuel's Grand Manor for the reception. The room was exquisite and elegant !
The entrance was a traditional dance, where the bride and groom are actually lifted in the air as they dance, to music so wonderful that you feel the energy as you listen. The band was fantastic, and I have actually gone online to buy some of there music. (google them Amin Sultan, with world renowned Flutist Omar Faruk they are a amazing !)
The speeches were so touching -- so heartfelt. From there the party never stopped---the dance floor was packed. What an amazing away to spend the day. (more magical than any fireworks) Congratulations to the Mahfouz, and Chahine families!


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