Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's all about the details. It's what sets each wedding apart. It is a vision a bride has in her mind of her ideal wedding day. She works on the details for at least a year. In the end, it comes together so clearly. It is what I look forward to seeing. You can tell that Nicole spent lots of time on the details. Saturday August 8th was a perfect day for a wedding. The bride dressed at the mansion, before heading off to St. Louis for the ceremony. The steps were a perfect backdrop for photos with the even lighting and beautiful texture. There is always a perfect breeze to catch the veil...
Off to the Saturn Club, where all the details came together. The Martini Luge was a huge hit, as were the flower wreaths with Nicole and Peter's initials. The colors brown and green were put together so well, even the girls wore green shoes. What a beautiful wedding, it could have been out of a magazine! Congratulations Nicole and Peter!


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